On the Word

       G.C. Morgan April 10, 2016


…The word was with God and the Word was God…
He tabernacled among us…John 1:…14
These words remind us that we are strangers on
earth as our Lord was when He walked among us.
We are Pilgrims traveling to another country.

His Word has transformed,and continually transforms,
us into beings like unto Him. Cor. 3:18.If not, we
are either disobedient followers,or we don’t belong to Him.
This world, under judgment of death, has faded from view and
no longer has any hold on the maturing children of the
Kingdom. Rom. 6:23

I have watched the buds of Spring unfold their petals
into a surprising beauty, a beauty that leaves one breathless.
The cluster of flowers on fragile limbs that move in a gentle wind
speaks to me of the Designer Who wants to unfold the beauty of our
spiritual being.

We are buds in Christ, and as we abide in the “Word” His life flows
through us, and we, like the buds of a tree, progress towards maturity.
It may be a million years, as we count time, to reach our full potential,
but still our advance with Him is a reflection of what will be. We can
trust Him with the unfolding beauty that is beyond our present comprehension.